...having lunch on the weekend
at the Getty Center, or at Gordon Biersch in Burbank...
...at Mo's in Burbank, where I went for a "calming restorative"--coffee and breakfast, actually, after visiting my accountant. Jay stands at right chatting about the ups and downs of the entertainment business with a regular, and Kyle mans the front desk. It's quiet before the lunchtime rush from the nearby studios. Jay catches me in the act of sketching, and he very kindly comped my breakfast!

The 39th Worldwide Sketchcrawl coincided with the Downtown Burbank Art Festival, so the Los Angeles group met there on an overcast, gray morning...some local musicians in a great jazz band in front of a shopping center...
...and the great character model, John Tucker poses as a cowboy in front of the "Bank of the West" for anyone who wants to sketch him, as part of CTN (Creative Talent Network) which teamed up with the Art Festival

...and quick sketches with lunch of my fellow shoppers and some sellers at one of my favorite Los Angeles places, the downtown Grand Central Market...